Optilogic is a supply chain network design software innovator. Its flagship product Cosmic Frog helps companies identify weak points, plan and test stronger supply chain designs. Cosmic Frog allows supply chain teams to run hundreds of scenarios concurrently, improving the visualization of results and driving collaboration.

The combination of Optilogic’s Cosmic Frog and the Atlas Planning Platform enables companies to dive deep into specific areas of their supply chain for a more granular understanding of how to improve efficiencies, enhance customer service, effectively mitigate risks, refine strategies, and test the feasibility of complex supply chain designs.

Use Cases

Real-time Data Exchange

Move data in real time between Cosmic Frog and Atlas Planning Platform to further deploy enhanced risk mitigation strategies and simulate stronger supply chain designs. 

Test Complex Supply Chain Designs

Simulate and test complex supply chain designs under various scenarios. Evaluate the potential impacts of changes in your networks, identify risk, and implement more resilient strategies.

Optimize Trade-Offs

Improve data-driven decision-making. Assess different operational strategies taking into account financial performance, service levels, and risk exposure of each scenario, ensuring your supply chain is aligned with your company’s business goals.