Multi-Enterprise Collaboration to Align, Unite and Share One Vision for Supply Chain Excellence

Atlas connects your supply chain stakeholders together in a highly collaborative planning environment that unites key departments, enterprises, suppliers, and partners to jointly resolve issues and share information by working on “one shared version of the truth.”
Every participant inside and outside your business can have just the right level of real-time visibility to effectively engage in S&OP, IBP, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) processes.
Atlas’s end-to-end workflow management environment, based on shared business processes, spans mobile phones and tablets, real-time chat and notification systems, as well as offline collaboration channels. Not only will you have a plethora of demand management capabilities at your fingertips, but Atlas will make sure your right hand knows what your left hand is doing with them.
End-to-End Collaboration
- Put Your Data and Decisions on the Same Team
The Atlas platform gathers and organizes input from multiple internal and external systems such as CRM, ERP, TMS, as well as customer and partner systems and lets you control how all data is securely shared with collaborators. Stakeholders see real-time views of the critical information they need, such as demand forecasts, promotions, current orders, replenishment, and more. Each member of the team has clear communication working off the most up to date plan with the latest information available.
- Demand More Collaboration—and Get It
You can involve the right people in your planning process right away, gathering their feedback quickly through the easy-to-use online web portal.
The platform brings all types of data together in one collaborative environment, providing planners, external collaborators and executives the right level of detail they need; ranging from forecasts to point-of-sale and seasonal patterns, product profiles, trade spend, orders, shipments, capacity utilization, service level performance, and more.
- Supply Everyone with the Teamwork Tools They Need
On the supply side, you can exchange all the crucial information you and your partners need to properly prepare for production and distribution, while at the same time optimizing replenishment for CPFR, vendor managed inventory (VMI), and other internal programs.
Atlas makes it simple to share data automatically in real-time across purchasing teams, suppliers, plants, key vendors, and external trading partners. This can include information such as forecasts, production capacities, logistics parameters, and inventory levels needed to facilitate efficient planning. As you synchronize manufacturing and procurement plans across your plants and suppliers, buyers can also review and adjust suggested purchase, manufacturing, and transfer orders.