Shipwell transforms supply chain operations by offering a scalable platform that integrates transportation management, real-time visibility, and procurement. Designed to evolve with your business, our user-friendly solution brings advanced logistics capabilities within reach, allowing you to optimize daily operations and manage complex logistics networks effortlessly. With Shipwell, businesses can streamline shipping processes, reduce costs, and enhance service levels, all while adapting to changing market demands.

  • Real-time shipment tracking and visibility
  • Automated carrier selection and tendering
  • Seamless integration with ERP, WMS, and other systems
  • Scalable to grow with your business
  • Data-driven insights for informed decision-making

Use Cases

End to End Data Visibility

Transportation and supply chain planning connected for real-time updates on estimated delivery, shipment status, etc. using structured and unstructured data. Predictive insights and support for multiple shipment types (Parcel, LTL, FTL, Drayage, etc.).

Evaluate Lanes

Evaluate lanes and configurations using periodic analysis of shipping lanes and volumes across the network. Identify over/under-market rates, analyze past performance by carrier and lane, and assess tender rejection rates for resilience.

Tie to Execution

Seamlessly automate and link buyers and supply chain planners with logistics. Create consolidated and optimized orders that consider costs and sustainability impacts. Quicky respond and expedite shipments.