Our Key Highlights:

  • Improve your planning conversations. Learn the four key questions that can turn your meetings into powerful decisions and actionable outcomes.
  • Break down functional silos. Discover methods to break down silos and align your supply chain plans with business objectives, fostering cross-functional collaboration.
  • Build realistic plans. Find out how to craft plans that are both feasible and resilient against disruptions. Get tips on using data to identify risks and opportunities, ensuring your supply chain is prepared for any scenario.

Planning meetings often get bogged down in reviewing past performance, leaving little room for the critical decision-making needed to drive success.

John Galt Solutions is pleased to offer the complimentary Gartner® research: Ask 4 Questions to Improve Supply Chain Planning Decisions, providing the insights you need to transform your approach and achieve better alignment, engagement, and execution.

According to Gartner, “Most supply chain planning leaders struggle to shift S&OP conversations from reporting actuals, plans and targets to effective, efficient and high-quality conversations that lead to decisions. Supply chain planning leaders can ask four questions to improve the quality of their conversations and decisions.”

Why We Believe You Need This Report

The importance of effective planning discussions in driving better decision-making cannot be overstated. We feel This report offers a valuable guide for supply chain planning leaders looking to improve their organizations' ability to cope with uncertainty and variability in their supply chains, helping you uncover the key questions that can shape productive planning conversations.

Learn strategies to go beyond metrics and extract actionable insights to create more resilient plans. “Many planning conversations start with metrics. Planners must go beyond the actuals and extract insights from past performance.” Discover how to “use data to overcome bias and identify risks and opportunities,” and more.

Read this report to ask critical questions for results-oriented conversations, helping you keep a focus on enhancing planning performance, executing against plans, and delivering business targets.

Gartner, Ask 4 Questions to Improve Supply Chain Planning Decisions. Cristina Carvallo. 17 May 2024.

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